If you look closely you can see a little brown praying mantis. This little guy was hiding in my grass next to my pond. He is only about an inch long. And wasn't letting me get close enough to get a good picture of him.

Ah my goldfish! They weren't being very cooperative today either. They were at the
surface when I first walked to the pond, but dove so I couldn't get a good picture. I got these guys at a local pet shop. They were feeder goldfish when I bought them. 10 for $2! they were about an inch long when we first got them. Now most of them are over 6 inches long. They are now spending their third summer in the pond. This winter was the first that I left them outside, and they did pretty well.

Here is my Water Lilies. No blooms yet this summer. Last year I got the very first bloom. I saw it, and thought I'd wait for the sun to come out to get the picture, and the next day, it was gone. :( I will get a picture of it this year though!

My fountain. It's adjustable, but yo have to watch windy days, because the water likes to spray right out of the pond! I can't tell you how many times we have come out to less then a couple of inches left in the bottom!
You can barely see the orange that are the
fish underneath!
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