This must be my lucky month! I got another reward! My friend Crystal from: http://creationsofmyheart.blogspot.com/ sent it to me! I am super flattered by BOTH awards! Thank you so much! Now hopefully I am doing this right!
Thanks for sending me the award! I am SUPER glad that we met, and can chat about so much!!
Here is what I have to do:
1: Thank the person who gave me the award and link to their blog (check!)
2: List 10 honest things about myself:
- I love creating! I wish I had more creative juices at times, but I do what I can!
- I wish I had a higher tolerance sometimes. I get frustrated too often, and don't know a way to vent without blowing up.
- I wish that I could provide a better living arrangement for my family. Mind you it is better then how I grew up, but I still wish I could do more.
- I am absolutely addicted to Rubber Stamps! AND I would NEVER tell my husband that! I may have a few too many....no maybe not!!!!
- The same goes for ribbons and patterned paper. I could probably go for many years on what I already have here in my home. LOL but I won't!!
- I spend too much time on the computer, and not enough doing housework. But I heard that housework is bad for your health so....
- More than a hand full of people have called me a Smart Ass. That offends a lot of people, but I am proud to say that I am one! Same goes for that word that rhymes with "Witch"!
- I do not like the way I look. I haven't for more then half of my life. I would love to change, but lack the will power, and motivation. Surgery is too drastic, and too many horror stories about the after effects of medicines. Truth be told I like to eat. I am only going to live once, so I might as well enjoy the food while I am here. And so I guess I won't change...
- I don't believe in Fairy Tales. I have never known anyone to love someone the way they do in the stories I heard growing up. Maybe there is love like that out there, but I haven't found it. Don't get me wrong, I love David, but there just is no Happily Ever After. Sorry.
- I have very few friends outside of the Internet. I used to have friends, but I just got tired of the fakeness of some of them. Friends that thought I should turn my back on my family and take their side. Friends that got married, and/or moved away. There are times that I really miss my friends though. I miss cookouts, and hanging out, and going to the movies, or the mall, or just for rides in the car. I miss having them to talk to. I don't miss the petty stuff though. I wish I had someone around that I could call when the kids are driving me nuts! Or just to vent. It's tough not having someone to talk to.
And now that this has turned totally negative...on to the next step...
Then I also have to:
Put the award on my blog(check!)
Pick 7 people to give the award to:
- Eileen at http://www.blondcrafter.blogspot.com/
- Sue at http://dream67646.blogspot.com/
- Albert at http://agoscraftomonium.blogspot.com/2008_11_09_archive.html
- Terri at http://puggledaisy.blogspot.com/
- Karel at http://karelj.blogspot.com/
- Laurinda at http://lulus-creations.blogspot.com/
- Diane at http://lostgrl16.blogspot.com/
Wow that was a lot harder than you would think! Picking only 7 blogs out of so many! That was harder then the being honest part!
Thanks again Crystal and to the recipients, enjoy! :)
WOW! We are SO much more alike than I thought! Gave me goosebumps reading your ten things, sounded too familiar LOL!
Thanks Gina, I will put it on my blog and do the list later.
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